You have probably heard the phrase Corporate Health & fitness membership or Corporate Gyms before. Well research indicates that there are good reasons for companies to invest in their employees' fitness - a fit and healthy workforce can bring positive business benefits. As a result, many large employers now run corporate health & fitness facilities.
The amenities offered at these corporate health and fitness faculties can be quite extensive. Some of the top employers' corporate fitness facilities include:
- Fully equipped gymnasium
- Aerobic and fitness classes
- Shower and changing facilities
- Fully qualified staff
- Personal trainers
In return, the employer gets a more productive workforce - for example, DuPont in the United States reported 14 per cent fewer sick days, saving a total of over 11,000 man-days for the company in a study of 30,000 employees enrolled in a fitness programme.
In another study, several US companies found that their fittest employees averaged 1.72 days absence per year, the next group 2.09 days, the 'fairly' fit groups 2.32 days and the least fit group 2.72 days absence. Other employees have found staff turnover to be dramatically lower for those participating in their fitness programme.
There are also benefits in terms of output - Canada Life reported that 47 per cent of participants in a fitness programme were more alert and enjoyed work more than those who did not participate, while 63 per cent of participants also indicated that they were more relaxed, more patient and less tired during the workday. Similarly, NASA found that participants in an exercise program showed improved performance, concentration, stamina and decision-making powers.
So if your company has an exercise programme, take advantage of it - and if they don't, maybe it's time they started one!