Working on developing a great deal of core strength is highly beneficial because it is the foundation for the rest of your body. Core strength will help keep the body in proper alignment so it is easier to execute the rest of your moments without worrying about going out of proper form.
Additionally, if you are using a good posture throughout your other lifts, it will allow you to breath in and out better, which then translates to you having the ability to generate more force output.
When you are getting more oxygen to the muscles it will help them to recover faster between each rep and set you do therefore you can also workout for a greater period of time (or at a greater intensity). Core strength will also be enhanced with the increase oxygen uptake therefore helping to regulate the cycle.
To develop your abilities in these muscles, you should include exercises towards the end of your workout sessions as you do not want to fatigue the muscles prior to doing your more major lifts. If you were to do this, you may falter when performing the action and this could lead to severe injuries. For example, if your abdominal muscles fatigued while performing heavy-weight squats, you may move out of form and could experience back pain. By working them at the end, you will also have to do fewer exercises in total because as stated, they will have already been put to use during the earlier part of your workout.
So make sure you do not neglect to include this area of the body in your training. It doesn't require a whole lot of additional effort to see remarkable progress over time.